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The easy way to master League of Legends.

It is quite easy to learn League of Legends, but it is almost impossible to master it. You could spent years playing this game, and with each new day you will find some new aspects that affects on the winrate. But I can give you some advice that could greatly increase your chances to win a match.

Do not struggle with non-important tasks like farming

Activities such as farming should only be by-products of the game; not the major focus. Instead, you need to concentrate on playing your lane and getting better. Again, the more times you play the game, the better your farming gets, and it will become second nature to you.

Your mental state is important

Focus on your mental attitude when playing the game. What this means is do not give up so quickly - otherwise you are going to win less amount of games and your ranking will go down.

Observe the minimap at all times

Even if you are good at watching minimaps, it will not help you if you get stress within the game and forget to see what is going on in the map. Therefore, this is very important - do not forget, as it informs you what is going on in the surroundings. Whether in roaming, warding or in fights, this is a very useful skill to have.


Improving your skill level in League of Legends takes a lot of hard work and constant repetition, so following the tips above will help you in getting better and becoming a highly valuable player in the game. Get more informat ion from the Boosteria - league of Legends website dedicated to the LoL boosting.

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